DBAG team donates 59,383 euros for Ukraine support – Company provides the same amount for the benefit of affected Ukrainian employees at portfolio companies

War is still raging in Ukraine, creating untold suffering for millions of people. The team at Deutsche Beteiligungs AG (DBAG) has therefore donated an amount of 59,383 euros in support for Ukraine to the German Red Cross (DRK). The funds benefit Ukraine aid in Germany, as well as aid within Ukraine itself and other European countries.

DBAG’s portfolio companies are not only making donations, but are also involved in numerous other measures, showing great empathy and civil involvement: for example, a mechanical engineering company collected aid supplies and transported them to Ukraine. The Polish Red Cross has received donations in the form of air conditioning equipment for accommodation shelters. 20 refugees are being put up in the offices of a software company in Romania, and a real estate firm is providing housing in its own apartments and will donate part of its April revenues. Employees at an industrial services company have foregone their team events for a month in favour of delivering goods to refugee aid, and the same company has increased its deliveries.

DBAG itself is donating an additional 59,383 euros, which will be used in the coming weeks for support measures to help particularly affected Ukrainian employees working at DBAG portfolio companies.

“Unfortunately, we cannot do anything to influence the war. It is thus all the more important that we do everything we can to mitigate its impact,” Torsten Grede, Spokesman of DBAG’s Board of Management, said today.