
Deutsche Beteiligungs AG has been publicly listed since 1985. It was one of the first companies admitted to the Prime Standard of the Deutsche Börse.

Access to the asset class of private equity is typically limited to investors in closed-end private equity funds. In addition to investing a substantial minimum amount, it requires committing capital for ten years or more. DBAG shares provide a further opportunity for investing in the attractive asset class of private equity – without a minimum investment and, since the shares can be traded on a daily basis, without tying up capital for an extended period of time. Our shareholders participate twofold: in the earnings we generate as an advisor to DBAG funds and in the value growth of our portfolio companies, which are not listed themselves.

Share price

Xetra order book

iFrame - Deutsche Börse

Analysts’ ratings

The following banks and brokerages regularly analyse the shares of Deutsche Beteiligungs AG or issue commentaries on current business developments at our Company:

Bank Recommendation Target price (new/previous) Study
18 July 2024 Kepler Cheuvreux, Sven Sauer Buy €39.00   
18 July 2024 Baader Helvea Equity Research, Gerhard Schwarz Buy €41.90  
2 July 2024 Edison Research, Milosz Papst For regulatory reasons, Edison publishes neither a recommendation nor a price target n.a. Link to Study
2 July 2024 SRC Research GmbH, Stefan Scharff/Christopher Mehl Buy €46.00 Link to Study
28 June 2024 J.P. Morgan Cazenove, Christopher Brown Neutral n.a.  
13 May 2024 Warburg Research GmbH, Andreas Pläsier Buy €48.00  Link to Study 
13 May 2024 Hauck Aufhäuser Investment Banking, Marie-Therese Grübner Buy €50.00   
8 May 2024 Jefferies International Limited, Tom Mills Buy €36.00   

The list does not purport to be exhaustive. For legal reasons, we can only make certain reports available.

Voting rights

The German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) obligates shareholders to notify the Company and the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) when the level of their voting rights share reaches, falls below or exceeds certain thresholds (three per cent, five per cent, ten per cent, 15 per cent, 20 per cent, 25 per cent, 30 per cent, 50 per cent and 75 per cent of voting rights).

You can find all voting rights notifications, in addition to other publications from Deutsche Beteiligungs AG, here.

According to their mandatory notifications, the following investors currently hold at least three per cent of the outstanding shares of Deutsche Beteiligungs AG:

Person subject to the notification obligation Shareholder (if different from ”Person subject to the notification obligation”) Date on which threshold was crossed or reached Voting rights attached to shares …in percent
Rossmann Beteiligungs GmbH *   28 June 2024 5,380,115 28.61
Ricardo Portabella Peralta Anpora S.A.  15 January 2024 1,880,500 10.0000043 

* Person subject to the notification obligation who have also reported instruments in accordance with Section 38 WpHG.

Please send voting rights notifications to: stimmrechte(at)

Master data

Symbol Bloomberg: DBAN
Reuters: DBANn.DE
Listings Frankfurt (Xetra and trading floor), Berlin-Bremen, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Hanover, Munich, Stuttgart
Market segment Regulated market (Prime Standard)
Index affiliation (selection) S-Dax; C-Dax; Prime All Share; Classic All Share; DAX Finanzdienstleister; DAXsubsector All Private Equity & Venture Capital; LPX50; LPX Composite; LPX Europe
Designated sponsors Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG, M.M.Warburg & Co. KGaA
Number of shares issued 18,804,992 registered shares
thereof outstanding 18,804,992
First traded 19 December 1985
Paying bank

Deutsche Bank AG
Taunusanlage 12
60325 Frankfurt am Main

Shareholder profile

as at 30 September 2023 in %

After Rossmann Beteiligungs GmbH increased its stake to around 29 per cent in July 2024, the free float, as defined by Deutsche Börse according to the voting rights notifications available to us, has been 61.39 per cent. 

Share data

  2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020
All rates are Xetra closing rates        
NAV per share (reporting date 30 Sep, ) 35.59 30.81 37.16 28.15
Closing rate (reporting date 30 Sep, ) 31.50 21.55 35.85 31,00
Financial year high () 33.20 40.50 41.60 41.95
Financial year low () 21.95 20.90 27.40 25.92
Financial year average rate () 28.62 31.87 35.27 33.21
Total return (%) 50.0 (36.7) 16.6 (0.9)
Market capitalisation (reporting date 30 Sep, €mn) 592.4 405.2 674.2 466.4
    thereof in free float (reporting date 30 Sep, €mn) 404.6 276.8 461.3 318.7
Average daily trading value (all trading platforms, €mn) 0.37 0.717 1.201 0.712
Dividend per share () 1.00 0.80 1.60  0.80
Distribution sum (€mn) 18.8 15.0 30.1 12.0
Dividend yield (in relation to the average rate for the year, %) 3.5 2.5 4.5 2.4
Earnings per share () 5.63 (5.19) 10.76 (1.05)

Distribution policy

DBAG’s distribution policy aims to ensure that shareholders participate in the financial surpluses of a financial year in the form of stable dividends of at least EUR 1.00 per dividend-entitled share. In addition, the Company plans to consider share repurchases on a more regular basis, as a flexible option enabling shareholders to achieve additional participation in the Company's positive development. This is intended to reflect the long-term orientation of DBAG's business model in its distribution policy.

Dividend and dividend yield for the past five financial years